There are
several types of diseases by pathological names , for which women come for
consultation . For easy description , I will classify them as below :-
A >
b . Menstrual Bleeding : i) irregular
periods ,
ii) associated pain(Dysmenorrhoea)
B > Abnormal Discharge – White
discharge ( Leucorrhoea ) .
Question : Does lump in
breast , increase the risk of breast cancer ?
No , every
lump in breast is not cancer or turns into cancer . Every woman , is advised to
self check her breast regularly , pressing her fingers on breast in a circular
manner . If she detects any lump , should immidiately consult with a physician
. To diagnose the case USG of breast or MAMMOGRAPHY followed by
HISTO-PATHOLOGICAL EXAM ( BIOPSY ) or FNAC etc. are suggested . There are
common tumors of breast found which are not malignant . e.g.
Fibroadenomas - Benign tumors . This type of tumor is painless
, but firm on touching . It grows very slowly and usually solitary . It is
difficult to point out its location by touching as it is highly mobile ( hence
sometimes called breast mice ) . It is
female hormone related , found in the breast of a woman at child-bearing ages
and regresses after menopausal age .
/ Fibrocystic Breast Disease
–Non-malignant breast lump . Pain and discomfort (
breasts may feel full, heavy, swollen, and tender to touch ) are complained
usually . But do not be afraid . The pain and discomfort is hormone regulated
and felt periodically esp. during the bleeding phase of menstrual cycle or
weeks before each period and ceases afterwards .
Question : How
effective is the Homeopathic treatment for breast lump ?
Answer :
Homoeopathic treatment is very much effective to cure the breast lumps and
associated symptoms ( pain/mastalgia , heavyness , tenderness etc. ) . When a
proper Homoeopathic medicine is prescribed by a well qualified Doctor , you can
expect good results . The only matter is that you must have some patience and
wait for some time to get cured completely . Homoeopathic medicines can act
upon the endocrine system and influence hormone production , bringing back the
system to a balanced state . This can not only reduce the pain , by increasing
the pain-threshold level , but also responsible for the shrinkage of the tumors
. If the pain is from mastitis ( inflamation due to microbial infections ) then
also , Homoeopathic medicine is very much effective in treating the infection .
Additional treatments for fever , shivering , chills , tenderness and breast
swelling are also can be provided by a good Homoeopathic physician .
Question : What is
incontinence of urine ? How a woman may suffer from it ?
It is a
condition where controll on urinary bladder is lost . The weakened pelvic floor
muscles , which supports the bladder are the cause of this . The pelvic floor
support can be weakened by child birth , bulky or heavy uterus , Fibroid tumors
of uterus , increased intra-abdominal pressure ( as in obesity , chronic lung
diseases , who regularly strains due to constipation etc. ) .
With the increased
intra-abdominal pressure , while coughing , sneezing , laughing etc. , the
urine may leaks out of the bladder as its pelvic floor support is reduced (
also called STRESS INCONTINENCE ) . In
women , it is commonly associated with Uterine Prolapse ( Uterus drops down
into the Vagina due to the same cause – weakened pelvic floor supports , unable
to hold it in proper place ) .
Question : So how these cases are treated by Homeopathy ?
Answer :
First of
all a thorough case history is obtained from the patient and clinical
examinations performed . Then lab tests , such as USG-KUB & PELVIC ORGANS
suggested for the confirmation of the diagnosis . If found positive , treatment
is started . In Homoeopathy , there is several good medicines for this type of
cases , which can reduce the laxity of pelvic floor muscles . Any underlying
BULKY/HEAVY UTERUS , if found are also treated . To reduce Fibroid or heavy
uterus , Homoeopathic medicines regulates the endocrene system and balances
hormonal levels optimally . Beside treatment , pelvic floor strengthening
exercises are also advised for better result . In initial stages incontinence
of urine , uterine prolapse etc. are completely curable by Homoeopathic
treatment , but in final stages the chances are reduced and partial removal of
associated symptoms are only possible .
Question : How to
say if a period/menstrual cycle is irregular or not ? What are the causes ?
Answer :
If the
duration of a menstrual cycle period is less than 21 days , or more than 36
days , then it is irregular . But if this happens regularly , then cycle less
than 21 days , is termed as Polymenorrhoea and more than 36 days is ,
Oligomenorrhoea . Regarding the bleeding phase : bleeding for less than 2 days
or more than 8 days is irregular . Different variations are as below :-
Absent Menstrual Bleeding (
Amenorrhoea ): No bleeding in a 90-day period ,
Heavy Menstrual Bleeding (
Menorrhagia ) ,
Heavy and Prolonged Menstrual Bleeding
Menstrual Bleeding
Spotting between 2 periods etc.
- Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease ( P.C.O.D./P.C.O.S. )
- Uterine Fibroid
- Hypothyroidism
- Certain contraceptive methods- Intra-uterine device ( I.U.D. )
, Pills
- Using certain drugs
- Excessive exercise
- Stress , anxiety etc.
- Thickening of uterine lining or Endometrial Hyperplasia etc.
Question : How these
problems can be treated ?
Answer :
These problems
can be cured by treating the underluing causes . First a detailed case history
is obtained from patient . If she uses any contraceptive methods , then a
different method is advised to her , which is suitable for her . Habit of
excessive exercise is prohibited . Meditation along with Homoeopathic medicine
can help her to overcome stress , anxiety etc. Certain lab tests are advised to
find out any pathological states . e.g.
- BLOOD FOR FT4 , TSH or T3 , T4 , TSH
- HSG ( Hysterosalpingography ) etc.
If any pathology is
detected , such as Hypothyroidism , Fibroid , PCOD etc. then they are treated
accordingly .
Hypothyroidism is a
state of underactive thyroid gland and patients of hypothyroidism often
complains of irregular menstrual bleeding or heavy bleeding in periods . In
such cases suitable Homoeopathic drug is administered ,
which helps to stimulate the Thyroid gland for normal level of hormone
secretion. Monthly monitoring of blood T3, FT4, TSH is needed to
check any abnormality if returns. Finally when all complications cured an
antmiasmatic constitutional Homoeopathic drug is given to prevent future recurrence.
Fibroid is a benign tumor of uterus . Its
origin and growth depends upon the excess oestrogen level of the patient ,
found in women at child-bearing ages and starts to reduce after menopause .
Heavy bleeding in periods , pain in pelvic area , pain with period or
Dysmenorrhoea are common in uterine fibroids . These women may also have
problems to conceive . Homoeopathy is very effective to cure such cases . The
heavy bleeding or pain in periods are reduced to normal gradually by
Homoeopathic treatment . Beside this Homoeopathic medicines act on patient’s
endocrene system and regulates hormone secretion optimally . So the size of
Fibroid starts to reduce and finally may disappear completely . After that
pregnancy is very much possible .
hyperplasia is a thickening ( due to overgrowth of cells ) of the lining
membrane of uterus . The situation here is that , there is excess of oestrogen
in body and lack of balance between the two female hormones, oestrogen and
This is also seen in Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome ( PCOS/PCOD ) . In both
Endometrial thickenning and PCOD , women suffer from irregular periods and
problems to conceive . In PCOS , due to hormonal imbalance , there is no
ovulation and as a result , ovary becomes filled with multiple cyst like
structure ( from immature follicles ) . As I stated earlier , that Homoeopathic
medicines act very well , in these types of hormone regulated diseases and can
bring the patient to complete recovery .
Question : Many women
suffer from severe pain on those days of period , even some of them experience
it , when the period is over . Is this normal , or any diseased condition ?
Painfull period
is termed as Dysmenorrhoea . In young women , pain in periods is common and
usually there is no underlying pathological conditions . It is mainly due to
the increased prostaglandins in menstrual fluid . It may lasts for first 1-2
days of period and then gradually decreases .
But if the pain , starts few
days before period , lasts for the whole period and then decreases and if the
patient is an older woman , there may be some underlying pathologies . e.g.
Endometriosis , Adenomyosis , Chocolate Cyst , Pelvic Inflamatory Disease (
P.I.D. ) , Fibroid Uterus etc. The other important feature is that , often
these women , suffer from irregular periods and may have problems of conception
Question : What tests
are suggested to identify them ?
Answer :
- Blood for Complete Haemogram , FBS , PPBS etc.
- USG-KUB & Pelvic Organs
- Vaginal Swab-RE & C
Question : How these
problems can be treated by Homeopathy ?
The treatment
plan of Fibroid Uterus , I alredy discussed earlier in this article . Here I
will describe about the treatments of other major causes of Dysmenorrhoea .
- ENDOMETRIOSIS , ADENOMYOSIS , CHOCOLATE CYST : Endometrium is the inner lining membrane of uterus . If it is found anywhere outside of uterus in pelvis , then it is known as Endometriosis . If found in myometrium of uterus , then it is known as Adenomyosis . When it is located in ovaries in a cystic formation , termed as Chocolate Cyst . During every period they respond to the hormonal influences in female body and may bleed inside pelvis . This blood is stored there and is responsible for inflammatory reactions , adhesion of adjcent organs , scarring and chronic pelvic pain . The pain can be managed , so that the patient feels better during her periods , but the condition can not be cured untill the menopause . So regular treatment is necessary . Homoeopathic medicines are given to balance the oestrogen-progesterone levels . This helps to prevent the extra-uterine endometrial proliferation and bleeding . Bulky and heavy uterus due to Adenomyosis and Chocolate Cyst of ovaries can also be reduced by this way . Furthermore there are certain medicines are there in Homoeopathy , which can remove the pelvic organ adhesions and reduce the discomfort . Though many women suffer from infertility in these cases , but regulating the Endocrene axis and balancing the hormonal levels properly by suitable Homoeopathic medicines , conception is possible .
( P.I.D. ) : This is due to
inflammation of female upper genital tract (of Fallopian Tube –
Salpingitis or Fallopian Tube with Ovaries – Salpingo-Oophoritis ) . Usually
seen in sexually active women as it is usually a sexually transmitted
disease ( S.T.D. ) , arising from Chlamydia or Neisseria gonorrhoeae ( Gonorrhoea
producing bacteria ) . If the woman is sexually inactive then tuberculus
infection is suspected . These women suffer from Dysmenorrhoea , Chronic
Pelvic Pain , Dyspareunia ( painful intercourse ) , Infertility ,
Irregular Periods , white discharge ( Leucorrhoea ) etc. This disease can
be cured by Classical Homoeopathic approach . Medicines are given
according to symptom similarity and not to kill the pathogens directly .
These medicines , if perfectly selected , can boost the immune response of
the patient and the body system can free itself from the morbific
influences of the pathogens . Finally Anti Miasmatic Constitutional
Homoeopathic Medicines are given to cure associated complaints and prevent
any other complications .
Question : Many women
suffer from white discharge . Does this problem arise from Pelvic Inflammatory
disease ? What are the treatments available in Homeopathy for white discharge ?
Answer :
White discharge or Leucorrhoea is a codition charecterized by excess vaginal secretion . Not always , there is an inflammatory condition . In most of the cases , white discharge is completely normal and due to oestrogen regulation of female reproductive system . Physiological leucorrhoea is seen esp. at puberty , ovulation , during pregnancy and in some women , during the pre-menstrual phase of menstrual cycle .
White discharge or Leucorrhoea is a codition charecterized by excess vaginal secretion . Not always , there is an inflammatory condition . In most of the cases , white discharge is completely normal and due to oestrogen regulation of female reproductive system . Physiological leucorrhoea is seen esp. at puberty , ovulation , during pregnancy and in some women , during the pre-menstrual phase of menstrual cycle .
But , if the discharge is
profuse , curdy or thin , creamy in consistency , yellowish or slightly
greenish in colour , irritating and frothy , causes pruritus/itching of vagina
, then there may be some infection . The infections , that can cause
leucorrhoea as below :
i) Protozoal
infection – Trichomoniasis ( most common )
ii) Fungal
infection – Moniliasis ( due to Candida albicans )
iii) Bacterial
infection – Chlamydial or N. gonorrhoeal infection ( stated earlier in P.I.D. )
This infections are
either sexually transmitted ( S.T.D. ) , or acquired by inadequate hygiene ,
using moist inner-garments for long or the use of an infected person’s towel ,
clothes etc.
The treatment is
focused on the underlying causes of the problem . Most of the cases , require
no treatment ( in case of physiological/normal white discharge ) . But if the
symptom is quite distressing to patient , then certain Homoeopathic drugs are
administered to influence , oestrogen regulated system to controll the white
discharge . For the infective form of leucorrhoea , Classical Homoeopathic
methods are of the choice . First a Homoeopathic medicine is given , which can
cover the entire distressing symptoms collectively according to the rules of
Homoeopathic similarity . Anti-mismatic Homoeopathic medicines are administered
thereafter to complete the cure and to prevent any other complications .
Question : Can
Infertility be treated by Homeopathy ?
If there is any problem of the
couple to conceive , the condition is known as Infertility . The problem may be
of anyone , either husband or wife or both .
For female infertility
Hormonal level estimation , such as FSH , LH , AMH is essential . USG of pelvic
organs to find out any abnormalty and
HSG to discover any fallopian tube blockage is done usually . The common causes
of female infertility are : PCOD/PCOS ( POLY CYSTIC OVARIAN DISEASE ) , PELVIC
treated by Homoeopathic medicines . In this article , earlier , I already
stated about them with their treatment procedure by Homoeopathy , in details .
For male infertility ,
first semen analysis is necessary . Semen is evaluated to see
- Morphology- if any abnormality is there
- Semen volume
- Sperm count per mm. – if sufficient or not
- Culture of semen- to see if there is any infection etc.
If any abnormality found
, the patient is strictly prohibited from smoking , alcoholism etc . as it may
cause further reduction of healthy sperm count . Proper diet and regimen should
be maintained . Certain medicines are there , in Homoeopathy , which can help
to achieve normal semen volume , sufficient sperm count , normal morphology of
sperms with motility etc. However , after taking the case history thoroughly ,
selection of a constitutional Homoeopathic medicine for the patient , works
best .
In this topic , I want to mention other 2 diseases , Diabetes Mellitus and Hypothyroidism , which are very much prevalent today , are the very important causes of Infertility . They are responsible for loss of libido or sexual desire , erectile dysfunctions in male , dyspareunia or painful sexual intercourse , problems of ovulation in female etc. They should be treated properly to overcome the problem of infertility . They can be managed completely by Homoeopathic treatment . I already published articles on Diabetes Mellitus and Thyroid disorders , their symptoms , causes , diagnosis , treatments etc. You must read them at the links below :-