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Saturday, November 4, 2017

An Interview on Thyroid Diseases


Answer: Yes. It Is True. Thyroid Dysfunction Can Cause Infertility. Every day we see many morbidly obese persons around us. They suffer from various physical discomforts from Thyroid Dysfunction (Hypothyroidism).But many of them can not imagine Hypothyroidism can cause infertility. 
Question: CAN  YOU  EXPLAIN  PLEASE, WHY  INFERTILITY  OCCURS  IN  HYPOTHYROIDISM ?                                                      
Answer: During the treatment of infertility it is seen that all uterus, ovaries, Fallopian tubes are in proper place with proper functions , though the couple suffers from Inability to Conceive. If blood test for TSH & FT4 done; it may be observed that the women is suffering from Hypothyroidism. It is a condition where the secretion of Thyroid hormone is reduced. In such females there is a problem of Ovulation is seen. Not only that, but in Hypothyroidism the normal Menstrual Cycle (Period) may also be hampered, causing Infertility. The women, who suffer from hypothyroidism, often complain of irregular menstrual bleedingHeavy menstrual bleeding etc. Along with this there is increase of malehormones (Androgen)  in female body. Due to this women suffer from unwanted hairs, obesity, rough, dry skin, chronic constipation etc. So the Sexual Life is severely hampered gradually.


Answer: For physical & mental growth the Thyroid hormone is essential. But sometimes it is seen that there is profuse secretion with increased activity of thyroid hormone. This condition is known as HYPERTHYROIDISM. On the other hand when this Thyroid hormone secretion reduced with less activity, the condition is termed as HYPOTHYROIDISM.

1. Idiopathic
2. Less Iodine Consumption: - Many people think that iodized salt is sufficient for dietary iodine. But this is not true. A balanced iodine intake is required. For this curd, spinach, sea foods, sea fish should be included in diet.
3. Mental or Physical Stress
4. Reduced secretion of Pituitary Gland(TSH)
5. Auto immune Thyroiditis (e.g. Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis):- Here body’s own immune system identifies the thyroid gland as foreign one & attacks it. Severe inflammation takes place. As a result the activity of the gland is hampered.
6. Familial history of Thyroid dysfunction can play a major role.


Answer: Blood test for T3, FT4 & TSH is done. According to the result & amount of hormones present, the disease is identified.


1. Severe weight gain.
 2. High cholesterol level in blood.
 4. Fatigue & Lethargy with Cold feeling (Chilly) all the time.
 5. Dry, rough skin.
 6. Voice change (Harsh voice).
 7. Swelling of feet.
 8. Constipation.
 9. Hair fall.


2.  Palpation at Heart region.
3.  Tremor (agitation) of hands & feet.
4.  Diarrhoea.
5.  Protrusion of Eye balls, visibility of upper sclera. 
6 . Enlargement of Thyroid Gland ( Goitre ) , visible infront of neck . etc.


Answer: First of all , blood test for thyroid profile is done to determine the problem. According to the Pathological test reports, whether Hypo or Hyperthyroidism, suitable Homoeopathic drug is administered. These drugs help to stimulate the Thyroid gland for normal level of hormone secretion. The amount of hormone secretion is carefully balanced (so that thyroid hormone level neither be increased , nor be decreased , as both are harmful & can cause Hyper or Hypothyroidism respectively) by adjusting the dose of drug. Monthly monitoring of blood T3, FT4, TSH is needed to check any abnormality, if returns. Finally when all complications cured , an antmiasmatic constitutional Homoeopathic drug is given to prevent future recurrence. Additional treatment may be required for severe obesity; severe weight loss or thinning, high blood Cholesterol level, High Blood pressure, infertility, heavy menstrual bleeding, or irregular periods, constipation, hair fall etc or they may be subsided by the cure of Thyroid dysfunction only.

An Interview on Nerve System Diseases