Question: What are the causes of headache?
The causes of headache may be classified in 3 types:-
1. Primary (without any obvious pathological state) - e.g. Migraine, Cluster headache, Tension type headache, Psychogenic headache.
2. Secondary (due to some underlying pathological conditions) e.g. any SOL (space occupying lesion)-Tumor, T.B., Meningitis, Encephalitis, Hydrocephalus etc.
3. Other causes: Sinusitis (Microbial infections of Para nasal air sinuses with flue like symptoms, Coryza, running nose, burning lacrymation etc), occipital headache due to Cervical spondylosis or spondylitis or due to high blood pressure after waking up from sleep with vertigo, Nausea & vomiting, Refractive errors of eye or change in power of spectacles/lens etc.